
“There were moments that I would learn and feel so fulfilled from uncovering these histories that it literally felt like a family reunion.”

—Y. Shabazz

Art History/Learning Yaqub Shabazz Art History/Learning Yaqub Shabazz

Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937)

There was one instance where he was tied to his easel and left in the road in front of the school, and we can be confident that there were countless other humiliating experiences. Despite the racialized abuse that he would face, Henry O Tanner would rise above the fray and hone his painting ability becoming, well known for his ability to illustrate biblical scenes dramatically, and his deep-rooted spirituality was reflected in his works.

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Art History/Learning, Painting, Poetry Yaqub Shabazz Art History/Learning, Painting, Poetry Yaqub Shabazz

Holding on to tradition with both hands: A labor of love

Through my years of study I would develop a love for these artists and from that love grew a strong connection to the living artists around me today. Studying those histories will make clear to today’s artist that they are a part of a long lineage of creatives that bring an undeniably unique aesthetic to the world that we live in.

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